Oral Health & Food Garden at Hampton Court Flower Show
At the Hampton Court Flower Show last week, a local group of Exeter dentists were promoting good oral health through the connection between oral health, food, and gardening.
The mouth harbours over 700 different microbes, most of which are beneficial and aid in digestion and maintaining blood pressure, especially when consuming vegetables and plants.
However, when oral hygiene is neglected, harmful bacteria can cause gum problems and tooth decay. Good bacteria, supported by regular brushing, flossing, healthy eating, and avoiding sugary foods, protect tooth enamel.
Certain plants like menthol and eugenol have antibacterial properties, and a pre-agricultural diet rich in wild fruits and vegetables is associated with better oral health. Studies show vegetarians tend to have healthier gums compared to non-vegetarians.
Sugar-free alternatives like stevia and xylitol help prevent tooth decay and offer additional health benefits. Leafy greens, rich in nitrates, can improve blood pressure and exercise performance through nitrate-reducing bacteria in the mouth.
The dentists attempted to grow all of the plants themselves from seed, but after a challenging growing season, their plants were very small and hadn’t quite caught up in time for the show. They contacted us, and we donated some of the plants to ensure their design could truly come to life!