In the garden
Cut back ornamental grasses – but not the evergreen varieties. Do cut back Miscanthus and Calamagrostis, but don’t cut back Carex and Festuca. If in doubt, do a quick Google to check before you chop!
If you have Hellebores, remove the old leaves to allow the new flowers to come through and discourage leaf spot. While Hellebores are low maintenance, a little TLC goes a long way.
Similarly, there will be early bulbs pushing through the earth now, so clear away leaves and dead foliage to give them plenty of space and light to grow. Keep tidying your borders and beds, removing any dead stalks and foliage of plants.
Continue being on guard for frost! After the cold snaps of December you should be ready to protect your plants when there are frost warnings around. Better safe than sorry.
If you fancy getting a little exercise in, get painting! Get hold of some wood preserve and give any wooden structures such as trellises in your garden a protective coating. You’ll reap the benefits in the spring.