Plant out any hardy annuals that you grew inside in February. Top tip, do this before sowing annual seeds into the borders, so you know where you have gaps to fill.
Make a patch for a new herb garden if you don’t have one already. For your new patch, choose free draining soil with full or partial sun. You can plant out lavender, rosemary, mint, thyme straight away – but wait to plant tender basil and coriander outside until the risk of frost has passed.
We have lots of varieties of tomato plants in stock from globe, plum and beefsteak to sweet cherry, so come and take your pick. These will also need to be kept indoors until there’s no chance of frost.
Plant sunflower seeds and keep these inside on a sunny windowsill or in the greenhouse ready to plant out later. These are such a great way to get children or grandchildren involved with growing – you can have a little competition to see whose sunflower grows the tallest.
While most fruit ripens later in the year, now is the right time of year to plant young fruit trees such as apple and pear. Don’t plant any later than April as the trees do best when the soil is still fairly dormant.
Spuds update! You can plant second earlies and main crop potatoes this month – some gardeners prefer to wait for the full moon during Easter because the water table is higher then.